- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adidah Binti Lajis
- Senior Lecturer
- adidahl@unikl.edu.my
Dr Adidah Lajis is an established lecturer and researcher in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing. Her research interests include natural language processing, text mining, cognitive assessment and intelligent system. She actively participated in short terms research projects and received several research grants include Fundamental Research Grant Scheme by Malaysia Ministry of Education. She is a reviewer for Cognitive Computation Journal and some of conference proceedings paper.
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Dr Adidah Lajis is an established lecturer and researcher in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing. Her research interests include natural language processing, text mining, cognitive assessment and intelligent system. She actively participated in short terms research projects and received several research grants include Fundamental Research Grant Scheme by Malaysia Ministry of Education. She is a reviewer for Cognitive Computation Journal and some of conference proceedings paper.
- Certified CCNA Trainer Certificate:
- CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals
- CCNA Exploration: Routing Protocols and Concepts
- CCNA Exploration: LANS Switching and Wireless
- CCNA Exploration: Accessing the WAN
- Internal Auditor for the QMS Implementation in UniKL BMI for the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Standard
- Anis Fadzilah Binti Mohd Nor@Abdullah1, Nurul Amirah Jamaluddin, Adidah Lajis, Haidawati Md Nasir, Normaziah Abdul Aziz, (2017). Cognitive Competency Assessment for Short Free Text Answer via Hybrid Approaches: Initial Findings, International Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS 2017), 23 – 25 January 2017
- Nadilah, Wan Rahim, Adidah, Lajis ,Diyana, Shahidatul Arfah,Sri Banu. (2016). Exploring factors contributing to students satisfaction in blended learning case of UniKL MIIT. International Research Conference And Innovation Exhibition (IRCIE 2016), 18 – 20 October 2016.
- Diyana, Ab Kadir, Shahfiqual Aqwa, Md Mahmood, Adidah, Lajis, Sri Banu, Munisamy, Shahidatul Arfah, Baharudin, Nadilah, Mohd Ralim. (2016). Mushroom Growing Monitoring Device, International Research Conference And Innovation Exhibition (IRCIE 2016), 18 – 20 October 2016.
- Shahidatul Arfah, Baharudin, Sri Banu, Munisamy, Adidah, Lajis, Diyana, Ab Kadir, Khairul Anwar, Zainul Rashid & Norazizul, Mohamad. (2016). Develop E – Water Level Alert System, International Conference on Enginering Technologies & Social Sciences (ICETSS ’16), 22-24 August
- Adidah, Lajis & Haidawati, Mohd Nasir & Norfarahin, Ismani (2015). Web GIS based Information Visualization for Pest Infection: A Case Study of Rice Plantation, Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Entrepreneurship 2015 (ICETE 2015)
- Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2014). Competency Assessment for Short free text answer. Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering Technology and Technopreneurship, August 27-29 Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2012). NL Scoring And Bloom Competency Test: An Experimental Result. Poster Presentation in the 6th International Conference on Umbiquitos Information Management and Communication, February 20 – 22
- Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2011). Part-of-Speech in a Node-Link Scoring Technique for Assessing Learners’ Understanding, Paper presented in the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistic (PACLING 2011), #16, Kuala Lumpur, July 19 – 21
- Adidah, Lajis (2010). Natural Language Processing for Bahasa Malaysia, Paper presented in the MIIT R&D Colloquium 2010, December
- Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2010). Modelling Learners’ Understanding through Node-link Analysis and Scoring. In the Proceeding of The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, December
- Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2010). Assessment of Learners’ Understanding: The Design and Evaluation of Node Link Scoring Technique, Paper presented in the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2010 (IPROMS 10), Kuala Lumpur, August
- Adidah, Lajis (2010). Assessment of Learners’ Understanding Through Node-Link Analysis, Paper presented in the MIIT R&D Colloquium 2010, June
- Adidah, Lajis & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2010). NL Scoring Techniques for the Assessment of Learners’ Understanding, In the Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 10), Kuala Lumpur, May.
- Adidah, Lajis, & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2009). Assessment of Learners’ Understanding: An Experimental Result, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 09), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, November
- Adidah, Lajis, Normaziah A. Aziz, (2009). “Node Link Scoring Evaluation In Assessing Short Free Text Answers”, IEEE-ICIME 2009 Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, April 2009
- Adidah, Lajis, & Normaziah, A. Aziz (2008). Assessing Learners Understanding via Node-Link Analysis: An Information Theory Approach, In Procedding of 3rd International Symposium of Information Technology (ITSIM 08), Kuala Lumpur, August
- Programming
- Database design